Male chastity and Are You Pleased Sexually

Are You Pleased Sexually

This is for
all the ladies out there or guys with inattentive male partners that are
interested in their men wearing male
items. Now, your husband may be the nicest guy on the planet and
give you everything you want in life, but how attentive is he in bed? Does he
do everything he possibly can to make sure that you are enjoying yourself? Or
does he do a few things that make you happy and immediately jumps to making
himself happy instead? Well, now you have a way to control his attitude a bit
by going to and finding a nice chastity device for him to wear.

You see, by
placing your partner in a male chastity
device, you are giving him something to consider. You aren’t going to give him
the key to the lock unless he does everything he can to make sure your orgasm
is beyond anything you have every experienced in the past. Now, that may seem a
bit selfish on your part to most guys, but isn’t that exactly how he is acting?
There is nothing wrong with making your husband wear one of these items, and
plenty of partners out there will sneak it on them while they are sleeping just
to prove a point.


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