Male chastity and pleasing the boss

Pleasing Your Partner is Important

There are a
thousand different things that you can do in your life to experience sex in a
different manner. One of these ways is by going to and purchasing
a male chastity device. Now, you
might be thinking that you can’t experience sex if you are wearing something
that keeps you from getting an erection. If you are thinking that way, then you
are one of the guys that items like this are targeted at. You see, there are a
lot more things to sex than just having an erection and using it for

Just think
of all the things you can learn from your partner if you were wearing a male chastity device and actually had
to go through foreplay before having sex. No more quickies for you or your
partner for that matter since you would have to actually please them in order
to get the key. That may seem a bit rude to say, but pleasing your partner is
something that will end up giving you much more pleasure when you get that device
off than you could ever have before putting it on. Just think of how happy your
partner is going to be with you as well.


Male chastity men cleaning up by anal gear

Male chastity men cleaning up by

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