My Male Chastity Men Secret

A lot of the male chastity men that I know absolutely love wearing chastity devices when out and about. I understand why they enjoy them so much since I tend to wear mine all the time as well. There is something very special about being able to go about your day while wearing something like this and no one else knows about it. Although there are times when I think that there might be some people that see me that do notice I am wearing something a bit strange under my pants. Thankfully, they don’t actually come out and say anything about it, though.

I work hard at keeping my secret like other male chastity men in the world, but sometimes it’s just not possible to keep it. The good news is that the people I do end up having to share my secret with are usually open minded enough to understand that this is something I enjoy. Whether they would enjoy it or not isn’t really important, but being able to accept me because of it is rather important to me. At least I feel that it is important to me; others may not see it that way, I guess.

The male chastity men designs that you can find these days do tend to be a bit easier to hide while wearing them. I can remember wearing a chastity device a couple decades ago just to see what it was like and noticed that it was a pain to keep it hidden. These new designs, on the other hand, make it seem like you are wearing nothing more than underwear although with a lot less freedom than any underwear might give. But the benefits of being able to walk around comfortably in front of everyone without them knowing anything is absolutely priceless as far as I am concerned.



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