Male chastity and pleasing the boss

Pleasing Your Partner is Important

There are a
thousand different things that you can do in your life to experience sex in a
different manner. One of these ways is by going to and purchasing
a male chastity device. Now, you
might be thinking that you can’t experience sex if you are wearing something
that keeps you from getting an erection. If you are thinking that way, then you
are one of the guys that items like this are targeted at. You see, there are a
lot more things to sex than just having an erection and using it for

Just think
of all the things you can learn from your partner if you were wearing a male chastity device and actually had
to go through foreplay before having sex. No more quickies for you or your
partner for that matter since you would have to actually please them in order
to get the key. That may seem a bit rude to say, but pleasing your partner is
something that will end up giving you much more pleasure when you get that device
off than you could ever have before putting it on. Just think of how happy your
partner is going to be with you as well.


Male chastity men cleaning up by anal gear

Male chastity men cleaning up by

Male chastity and who wears what?

Who Wears This

While there
are a growing number of men out there that are wearing male chastity devices, there are still a number of them that feel
this type of sexual fetish is geared only to the gay men of the world. Either
that or they are on male slaves that are into the BDSM lifestyle. The truth of
the matter is that there are plenty of straight men around that aren’t into
BDSM that are wearing these devices simply because they want to please their
wives. There are also plenty of women out there thanking their straight
husbands for taking the time to please them.


The ultimate in cock gear, anal gear, male chastity cages and so much more at

It doesn’t
matter what your sexual orientation is or what lifestyle you choose to live,
the use of a male chastity device
can be enjoyed by anyone. It may seem a bit odd to order one from a site like and then put it on knowing that you just saw a bunch of men
modeling it, but your wife is going to absolutely love the amount of attention
you will be giving her, even if that attention is simply to try and have the
device removed. Overall, this is something that every guy in the world should
try out at least once just to see what it’s like.

Male chastity

Seriously, It’s Locked

While there
are plenty of guys out there that would love to be wearing a male chastity device like those you can
find on, there are some that just can’t get over the fact that you
are strapping a small cage to your cock. These guys find it difficult to get
past the part that you are actually placing a small lock on that cage so that
there is no way of getting out of it unless you have the key. If you gave your
key over to someone else and made them your Key Holder or have the key locked
up in a time release safe, then you are pretty much screwed.

For these
guys, wearing male chastity items is
probably one of the most difficult aspects to get over. They can’t comprehend
how great it feels to wear a device like this because they will never even try.
There are moments in your life when you have to try something a bit different
from what you are used to in order to gain new experiences. But if you aren’t
willing to try it simply because you think it would be too uncomfortable, then
you are never going to understand why someone else out there actually would try
it. That is something you will never fully understand.

Better Sex with male Chastity Devices

Better Sex with Chastity Devices

The need for
wearing a male chastity device is very
strong among numerous men these days, but there is usually one underlying
aspect that everyone has in common. That is the need to refrain from getting
erections. Now, most people would read that and think that guys all over the
world are walking around with erections every second of every day, but you know
that isn’t true. While having the propensity of multiple erections does happen
to some men, it usually isn’t so bad that every man has to wear a device that
forbids it.

Most guys
that wear a male chastity device
simply want to stop the erection from happening so that when they get to take
the device off they can enjoy a higher sexual experience. Of course, there are
still men that just want to torture themselves by not allowing an erection to
dictate their sexual urges. On the other hand, it is just guys wanting to
experience something a bit different from what they are used to. That being said,
the guys that are experiencing better sexual encounters after wearing a
chastity device will tell you that it was the best decision they have ever made
in their lives and wouldn’t change it for the world. They also suggest that you
visit to find their various chastity cages and other devices.


Male chastity device by huge slelection of devices

Male chastity device by