Male Chastity Men Levels

Some male chastity men are simply looking for something to wear that will cause them as much pain as they can handle. Because of this need, wearing typical chastity devices just aren’t going to work for them. They need something extreme that they can lock onto their cock and wear throughout the day and that something has to be a bit more intense. This is where the advanced options come into play, but you have to make sure they are something you can handle wearing. These aren’t for the everyday guy out there but rather the guy that needs the pain to keep himself in line.

I have tried wearing some of the designs that these male chastity men like to wear and they are definitely not something I can handle. I did my best to try and wear one for as long as possible and that only lasted about thirty minutes or so. I guess you can say that I am not one of those guys that is capable of handling the amount of pain that others enjoy. I will stick with wearing my basic designs from now on and let all those other guys enjoy what they are wearing.

I can understand the need for some male chastity men to want to wear something like this, though. I may not be able to take the pain they offer but that doesn’t mean that I should look down on others that do enjoy it. Maybe someday I will find a nice blending of the basic and advanced designs and I can try it again, but until a designer decides to go that route I will simply have to stick with what I know and what I am comfortable with. At least I know my limitations and that is something I find very important.




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Being at Peace with Male Chastity Men


I, like so many other male chastity men in the world, enjoy the moments in my life that are quiet and peaceful. I love being able to sit back and relax with a good book after work or watch a little TV now and then, but I was always disturbed by an erection. It didn’t matter what I was reading or watching on TV; my cock would wake up and start staring at me like a puppy that wanted to play fetch. I had to find something that would keep it in control and not attempt to ruin the peacefulness around me.

So I started looking around online for anything that might help. That is when I came across a site for male chastity men and the devices that they were offering. I found that there were thousands of guys in the world going through the same thing that I was and they all started wearing these chastity devices to help them get control over their own bodies as well. I was amazed to find that I wasn’t the only guy going through this, and it made me want to purchase one of these devices as soon as possible.

I have been a male chastity men contributor ever since then, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I feel that making the decision to wear  a chastity device has greatly increased the amount of relaxation I can experience during any given day. I also have found that wearing one of these devices isn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. At first, I was wondering how I was going to do every day things around the house, but now I know that I can wear it all day long and it won’t bother me in the least no matter what I might be doing.



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Chastity Men Devices Choosing the Right Male

Some male chastity men like to go a bit crazy when it comes to the device they are wearing. They like things that have little teeth and other interesting things built into the inside of the device so that they constantly feel pain whenever they get an erection. I am not one of those guys, but I don’t have any problems with the guys that do enjoy things like that. I just never felt comfortable enough with the whole pain aspect, especially in that area of the body. I like to be a bit more comfortable when I lock my cock up in a small cage, which is a very odd thing to say when you think about what you are actually doing to yourself.

The other aspect of male chastity men are the guys that wear them as a training apparatus for their partners. This makes them a slave that has to do everything their partner tells them in the hopes of getting their cage taken off for a bit. I was never involved in that side of things, either, because I don’t have a partner and I don’t really like taking orders all that much. I just end up laughing at sexual orders and most people think that is a bit too childish.

I am sure there are other male chastity men in the world that have different aspects into their lifestyle, but I haven’t really paid all that much attention to them. All I really know is that I wear a chastity device in order to gain control over my own sexual urges and that is all that matters to me. I don’t have a partner that I need to please or anything and I’m not involved in the pain aspect so I basically just wear my device to wear it. I know it’s not all that flashy, but it is the way I choose to live and I’m pretty content with it.


Choosing a Male Chastity Men Lifestyle

Some of the
male chastity men that I know are completely crazy when it comes to the devices
they wear. They think that wearing the most extreme device they can find makes
them manlier than anything else. I’m not saying anything bad about them. They
can do whatever they want to with their lives, but I would much rather have
something that is comfortable locked over my cock rather than something that
causes pain. At least that is the way I looked at things like this since I’m
not all that pleased with any kind of pain.

I do know
some male chastity men out there that feel the same way I do. They feel that
wearing a device is something that will help them get some kind of control back
in their lives and that is what chastity is all about. You don’t have to spend
your life feeling lost and out of control when you have a chastity device on
and that means it needs to be as comfortable as humanly possible. If it isn’t
comfortable, then you are giving up some of that control because you can’t live
your life in a peaceful manner.

I try my
best not to be like all the other male chastity men that I have met. I have
views that match with some and not others but, overall, I feel that this is
something I have chosen on my own. Because I have chosen to live this lifestyle,
I need to make sure that I am doing it the way that I want to do it. I choose
when to wear my device and when to take it off. I choose what device I want to
wear as well and that makes it much more personal to me. It also gives me a
chance to explore things the way I want to.

Male Chastity Men are Changing the World

Male Chastity Men are Changing the World

Like other
male chastity men in the world, I enjoy wearing my chastity cage. I love the
fact that I can wear it under just about any type of clothing and no one around
me would be the wiser. Although, there are a few different clothing options
that your chastity device will stand out in and you should probably only wear
something like that in the privacy of your own home. I tried wearing sweatpants
out to the mall one day and had a hell of a time trying to explain to people
that I wasn’t walking around with an erection.

that I find interesting about male chastity men these days is the fact that
they have banded together and gotten designers to improve clothing options for
guys that wear devices. I noticed online that there are some people out there
making swimwear that you can use a chastity device with and that made me very
happy. I always wanted to head off to the beach but knew that I couldn’t wear
my trunks since they would do the same thing as the sweatpants I tried to wear
to the mall. But now I have that ability and I wear them all the time.

Most male
chastity men will tell you that wearing something like this will change certain
aspects of your life forever. There are going to be places that you just can’t
go because you are wearing a cage and certain things you will never be able to
wear as well. But more and more men that are involved in male chastity are
coming together to improve the designs or clothing and devices so that you can
do all those things you enjoyed doing before locking your cock up inside a
small cage. It’s a brave new world, indeed, for guys with a  chastity fetish.



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Getting to Know Male Chastity Men

Getting to Know Male Chastity Men

You have
probably met more male chastity men in your life than you would ever be aware
of. The fact that these devices can be worn under your clothing without being shown
to the entire world means that just about every other guy walking past you on
the street could have one on. I bet that if you live in a big city, you have
probably seen ten or fifteen of these chastity men during any given day. The
only way you would know is if they were wearing tight pants that actually
showed off the device.

I got
involved with male chastity men a few years ago and found that they are the
most down to earth guys I have ever met. I always thought that someone willing
to wear what is basically a bondage device out in public would be a bit more
subdued, but that wasn’t the case. Every single guy I met that was wearing a
chastity device was polite and well-spoken. In fact, there were some guys that
I never would have thought of wearing something of this nature or be involved
in any kind of sexual fetish. Yet, they were wearing some of the most advanced
cock cages I have ever seen.

Being around
those male chastity men got me to wondering what it would be like to wear a
chastity device myself so I went ahead and purchased one. It is definitely a
strange sensation to be walking around in a metal cage locked over your cock,
but I could understand why all those guys were the way they were. I could feel
the stress that I would have normally had to live with simply melting away with
every second I had that cage on since I didn’t need to worry about any unwanted
or surprise erections. It was definitely one of the best decisions I have ever
made in my life.

Proper Public Clothing for Male Chastity Men

Proper Public Clothing for Male Chastity Men

Some of the
male chastity men that I know enjoy wearing their devices when they are at home
while others seem to find it more entertaining to wear them out in public as
often as possible. I am one of those guys that enjoys wearing them out in
public, although I do have to be careful of what types of pants I wear. Some of
the issues I have found while wearing my chastity device out in public have
been rather embarrassing to say the least, but they were learning experiences
and I have been able to move on with my life.

Some male
chastity men will end up running out the door with whatever clothing they have
and not think about what they might be showing off to the general public. Now,
sometimes that isn’t such a bad thing as a lot of people would enjoy see your
cage under your pants, but there are other times when it might not be such a
good idea. I could run through almost every experience I have had in the hopes
that some of them might help you out, but I find that living through some of
these scenarios is a lot more fun.

You may find
that being male chastity men means that you have to do things you never would
have thought possible. Some guys simply think that you can wear a device and go
about your day like nothing is different but that isn’t always the case. There
are times when you are going to need to trust your instincts and plan your
clothing options out ahead of time so that you don’t make any kind of mistakes.
If you don’t mind people staring at you and wondering what that large bulge is,
then don’t worry about it. Otherwise, make sure that you are wearing something
that will hide your device.



Extreme mens swimwear

Male Chastity Men in Various Lifestyles

Male Chastity Men in Various Lifestyles

Most male
chastity men will tell you that they are involved in the chastity lifestyle
simply because they want to experience something different in their lives. But
there are a small group of men that were forced into wearing a chastity device
because someone else decided they needed to have more control in their life.
These slaves usually have no idea what is going on in the mind of the person
that has forced them into their device, but they are willing to try it out
anyway because it is something new to them and they want to see where it might
take them.

I have
spoken with a lot of male chastity men over the years and find that the slaves
are usually the ones that gain the most from being involved in this lifestyle.
They are the ones that will eventually go on to find the most unique chastity
device designs and be willing to try them on regardless of what others might
think about them. They are also the type of guys that will be more willing to
experiment with different aspects of the chastity lifestyle for no other reason
than their partner wants to see what would happen.


You don’t
have to be a slave to enjoying living like other male chastity men, though.
Basically, all you have to do is wear a chastity device for a few weeks and you
will find that there is no other lifestyle in existence that will give you the
same feelings of excitement. Some of the best days of my life have involved
wearing a chastity device out in public and that is something that you are
going to get to experience whether you are a slave or not. You can’t just hide
yourself away from the world around you because you have a cage over your cock
after all.

Male Chastity Men and Loving the Lifestyle

Male Chastity Men and Loving the Lifestyle

Most male
chastity men will tell you that there are few things in life that will make you
as happy as being involved in a fetish that won’t allow you to get an erection.
This type of fetish isn’t just something you use for a few hours of fun,
either. This is a lifestyle that you have to live within as long as you
possibly can. You will find out that you don’t want to take the device off and
let your cock free after a while, which will thrill and confuse you at the same

The male
chastity men that are out there wearing their devices throughout the day all
know that by taking them off, they will end up feeling like they are missing a part
of themselves. It would be a lot like going to work without any clothes on just
by leaving their chastity cage at home for the day. This is one fetish that
will make sure you live your life within the confines of your cock’s prison
whether you understand it or not. The excitement that wearing something like
this gives to guys that are willing to accept it is absolutely amazing to say
the least.

If you are hoping
to join the ranks of male chastity men in the world, then you will need to
understand what it is you are getting involved in. Take some time to look
around online at some of the forums that are geared towards the chastity
lifestyle. You will find all kinds of information that will help you in picking
out the right device for you and the proper way of wearing it in public so that
no one else knows about it. This could be the one fetish that you have tried
that will finally show you the answers to all the questions you might have
regarding the lifestyle where your cock doesn’t control you.


Male chastity devices and extreme men’s swimwear

Telling Signs of Male Chastity Men

Telling Signs of Male Chastity Men

If you
haven’t met any male chastity men, then it’s probably because they never
thought about telling you. Chances are you have met quite a few men in your
life that are currently wearing chastity devices, but they just don’t think you
could handle that kind of honesty. The truth is that there are more guys out in
the world wearing these devices than you would have ever thought possible. The
thing is the only way you are going to be able to tell is if you are wearing
one yourself. This doesn’t mean that you can simply put on a device and
instantly tell, though. You will have to wear it for a while before you can see
the signs.

chastity men can usually pick each other out of a crowd fairly easily since
they know what to look for. They understand the subtle ways you have to move so
that people don’t start paying close attention to the slight bulge in their
crotch. They also understand that certain times of the day require them to sit
down carefully so that they don’t end up getting a massive erection starting
inside that small little cage they have locked around their cocks.

If you can’t
tell what other male chastity men look like when they have their device on,
then you haven’t worn yours long enough, but there is hope for you. After a
couple of months of wearing your device, you will be able to pick guys out from
all walks of life. You will see the signs that others are putting out there to
let you know that they too are wearing a chastity cage over their cocks. Then
you can start up a conversation with them to see what kind of devices they
prefer and trade stories about wearing your devices at the worst moment


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